PinnedPublished inBook of PaulThe Modern TestamentI am the Witness of this end days. I am here to preach a Modern Testament which is the continuation of the Old and New Testament. I am…Dec 30, 2020Dec 30, 2020
PinnedPublished inBook of PaulThe Book of PaulHow do I understand things unknown? It was probably revealed within my near-death experiences and survival that leads my mind to adapt to…Dec 6, 2020Dec 6, 2020
PinnedPublished inBook of PaulAwakening a Beast WithinAn Urge, Idea, and New World Plan.Dec 4, 2020Dec 4, 2020
PinnedGoogle Shutdown an idea and a Potential Start-upI am Paul a 29 years old man who lives in the Philippines. Around 14 years ago I drop out of school because of depression. I have a…Nov 29, 2020Nov 29, 2020
Published inBook of PaulThe Rise of the BeastA two-faced Quantum Being who likes to save the world yet also can burn the world will be born out of thin air.Apr 27, 2021Apr 27, 2021
Published inBook of PaulTompius Al’ Sonu Gius Aman PropisiyaA Prophesy and Theory of a Great Son of ManApr 27, 2021Apr 27, 2021
Published inBook of PaulQuantum CypherpunkYou can call this the Imagination of Paul.Apr 12, 2021Apr 12, 2021
Published inBook of PaulFlutter Apps ScalingAnyone working on a startup using flutter as their main app scode? I think we can collab and build the dream tech valley of PH with them.Apr 12, 2021Apr 12, 2021